Thursday, December 26, 2019

Having Problems Writing an Essay on Mobile Phones

Mobile phone is certainly one of the ubiquitous symbols of modern life. It is hard to imagine a person (from any walk of life) who doesn’t have one. A dozen years ago they were a prerogative of businessmen who had to move about a lot and needed to be in touch with their partners at any time of night and day. Now everyone has them: from schoolchildren to seniors and from janitors to CEO of transnational corporations. And it is only natural that such an important aspect of our life is often mentioned in argumentative essay topics. Some people believe that mobile phones cause cancer and should be banned. Others may not believe in such direct harm to people’s health but mourn the fact that their usage takes warmth and humanity from the act of communication. Somebody else may be outraged by the dishonest business practices of mobile operators, and so on and so forth. So, if you have to write about mobile phones but are not given a particular topic, don’t try to cover all the aspects of the issue in one piece of writing – you have to choose one point which speaks to you most. How to Approach an Argumentative Essay about Mobile Phones Mobile phones are probably among the easier topics for argumentative essays. Why? Because this topic is close and clear for most people, and it is much easier to write about something you know and care about than about some obscure topic you have first heard about when your tutor was giving you the task. An argumentative essay presupposes that you express and support your own opinion – in such a situation personal involvement is a kind of additional bonus. If you are interested in a topic, even a little bit, you will produce a better essay than if you write about something you don’t care about, even if you have thoroughly prepared for the task and read a bunch of scholarly articles on the topic. Writing Your Own Essay on Mobile Phones Remember that although you are supposed to present your own argument in your essay, it doesn’t mean that you should simply express your opinion. The very idea of argumentative essays is that you should have an opinion and the ability to support it – no matter how strongly you believe in something, if you fail to gather the information in favor of your ideas, your essay will be found wanting. If you are free to choose from a number of argumentative essay topics about mobile phones, try to choose the one you already know something about, so that you don’t have to do extra research. And you will have to do a lot of research – although some people believe that expository and argumentative essays are almost the same thing, it is not true. For argumentative writing you will need much greater amount of preliminary research – after all, you don’t have to study just the topic in question, you have to form your own opinion and gather the facts in its s upport as well.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Cause And Effect Of `` Liberal Studies And Education ``

Cause and Effect In today’s society, people learn and receive education mainly to be able to articulate themselves and to earn a living. In some cases, people learn an enormous amount to show off their intelligence. Ultimately, most of their intelligence is facts and pointless information that serves them no purpose. Within their education, they learn right from wrong; therefore, it creates a basis for them to learn virtues, but unable to acquire a vast amount of virtues. In â€Å"Liberal Studies and Education† by Seneca, Seneca believes that one must leave space for virtue in order to gain virtue, instead of filling the space with knowledge of no purpose. When one leaves space for virtue, one gains these virtues: unselfishness, kindliness, and loyalty. Virtue is a substance that should be filled in the void instead of useless knowledge. Seneca says that, â€Å"virtue will not surrender herself to these narrow bounds of ours; a great subject needs wide space in which to move. Let all other things be driven out, and let the breast be emptied to receive virtue† (28). In this example, things represent pointless knowledge. This type of knowledge must not fill up more space than virtue. One must leave room for virtue in order to gain virtue. Furthermore, Seneca says the â€Å"pursuit of the liberal arts makes men troublesome, wordy, tactless, self-satisfied, bores,† and causes people to â€Å"fail to learn the essentials just because they have learned the non-essentials† (28). Based on this reading,Show MoreRelatedHigher Education At The Liberal Arts1639 Words   |  7 PagesAll types of education, whether technical or liberal, possess their own inherent merit. The distinction between the two lies in the spectrum of a particular study’s application. A higher education in any study should be encouraged because more knowledgeable individuals benefit both society and themselves through the continuation of their education. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Amount Interpersonal Skills And Reactions â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Amount Interpersonal Skills And Reactions? Answer: Introducation In most of the developed countries, the service sector has become the largest sector to generate employment. It is also a known fact that any and every service roles require a huge amount of interpersonal skills and reactions with different stake holders like customers, service providers etc and this involvement or engagement requires a kind of emotional labor or EL (Karimi et al.,2014). This is a particular kind of philosophy that requires changing or adjusting oneself and ones conduct as per the requirements and needs of an organization and also of ones profession (Zander et al 2015) The main purpose of the emotional labor is to know and manipulate one's behavior and emotions in accordance with the professional needs and requirements. Emotional labor is connected with productivity as well because the productive power of an employee is directly dependent on the ways he conducts himself at his place of work. No matter whatever issues the employees might face in their personal lives b ut they will always have to keep this in mind that they need to keep their mood right and put a happy, glowing and bright smile and a cheerful attitude for bringing out their full productivity at their respective workplaces. Emotional labor can be of two types-one is deep acting, that is even of the employees are suffering from some of their personal problems and are really frustrated and upset due to some of their personal issues related to family life or any other such thing, but yet they have to think about some of their happy moments related to their personal lives that might help them in restoring the happy mood and they can perform well in their work fields (Rayner Espinoza 2016). This is essential and particularly applicable for the customer service executives or any other employees involved in public dealing or customer dealings etc. It is a kind of profession that needs a huge patience and a polite behavior on the part of the customer care executives so that they can liste n to all the queries, doubts and questions of the people that are their customers and can give them the right solution and deal with them politely. The other one is known as deep acting according to which, an employee often has to fake a certain kind of emotion in order to meet with some professional or social requirement which is evident from the fact that, often the employees are suffering from huge pain and turmoil from their personal sufferings but yet they deliver their services so well at their workplace than their peers and their superiors are unable to make out or rather even trace anything wrong within the mind of that employee (Van De et al 2014). As is seen in todays scenario, the total profit and success of any organization depend upon the productivity and the productive output of each and every stakeholder associated with it, hence, it is of utmost importance for all the employees to abide by the philosophy of this emotional labor. Productivity on part of the employees is largely dependent on the kind of vibes that they get from their surroundings that are either the positive or the negative vibes (Kamp Dybbroe 2016). Apart from the tensions and frustrations of the personal lives, the mood and the state of mind of the employees is largely affected by the opinions, feedbacks and the kind of views and comments that they get to hear from their co workers and definitely from their other superiors as well. There are always a large number of people that assemble and work together at every organizational and all these people come up from different backgrounds and this consequently gets reflected in their opinions and their way of conducting themselves. There are several co workers that one often comes across at his or her workplace who have nothing but only negative and harsh words to say. They never put forward any positive vibes (Walsh Bartikowski 2013). This will naturally hamper the productive capacity of the workers a great deal because to do anything productive and profitable, every individual need to be in a proper state of mind and this peaceful state of mind has to be supported by a happy and c heerful mood as well but this is possible only when there is a positive vibe going on around in the work place. Hence, it is always suggested and is recommended to every organization that they must always initiate a positive vibe and a proper, positive work culture within the office environment. These constant negative comments and opinions can ruin anything and everything and can hamper the cheerful state of mind and can even ruin good news too. Just as a viral disease gets transferred from one person and to other and contaminates the whole system and an entire group of people same is the case with negativity. It keeps on traveling from one employee to the other like a viral infection thus, contaminating the positive state of mind and ruins the emotional set up a great deal. It is also a proven fact that it is the mental setup, the mood and the emotion directly has an impact on the power of creativity and also the state of mind, the decision making, the power of creativity, negotia tions, the power of judgment (Matzopoulos et al., 2014). Leadership etc.In a nutshell, it is the mood or the emotional setup of an employee that ruins the entire motivation of an employee to work and increase his level of productivity. Another important factor that is often responsible for hampering the mood of the employees and ruining the rate of their productivity is the lack of proper motivation. At times, some motivating and encouraging words can often give a major boost to the productive capacity of the workers. This is more clearly visible in terms of the labor workforce that are people who are working as craftsmen etc. Their productive capacity often gets hampered due to the lack of improper site facilities dm also due to the lack of proper recognition ( Brunetto et al .,2014). It is often seen that in spite of them giving a lot of efficiency and effort, it gets totally unnoticed and unrecognized, this makes the workers feel unwanted and unimportant and it has a direct influ ence on the productive capacity of the laborers. As is seen in several work fields, there is a kind of employee exhaustion that is created. Thus, this theory of emotional labor helps or rather tries to see if the possession of the personal resources might turn out to be useful on the part of the employees to control their emotions and thus meet all the necessary requirements that are needed as per the profession of the organization (Liang et al., 2016). Apart from the various external factors, there are also some of the internal factors as well that is the personal resources of the employees that are the expectations of their own selves that are generally connected to the individuals sense of being able to adjust to and influence their environment successfully. it is with the help of these personal sources that the employees can learn the skill of being able to adapt their emotions that is to have a proper control over their emotions, and fake a smile over their face along with the addition of a fake cheerful mood so that they are able to render their services efficiently at their work place and are able to attain every goals and objective in the long run. This is how the principles and values of emotional labor are instrumental in keeping up the level of employee productivity (Moore Hayes 2017). Reference list Brunetto, Y., Shacklock, K., Teo, S., Farr-Wharton, R. (2014). The impact of management on the engagement and well-being of high emotional labour employees.The International Journal of Human Resource Management,25(17), 2345-2363. Kamp, A., Dybbroe, B. (2016). Struggles of professionalism and emotional labour in standardized mental health care.Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies,6, 67. Karimi, L., Leggat, S. G., Donohue, L., Farrell, G., Couper, G. E. (2014). Emotional rescue: The role of emotional intelligence and emotional labour on well?being and job?stress among community nurses.Journal of advanced nursing,70(1), 176-186. Liang, H. Y., Tang, F. I., Wang, T. F., Lin, K. C., Yu, S. (2016). Nurse characteristics, leadership, safety climate, emotional labour and intention to stay for nurses: a structural equation modelling approach.Journal of advanced nursing,72(12), 3068-3080. Matzopoulos, R. G., Truen, S., Bowman, B., Corrigall, J. (2014). The cost of harmful alcohol use in South Africa.SAMJ: South African Medical Journal,104(2), 127-132. Moore, S., Hayes, L. J. B. (2017). Taking worker productivity to a new level? Electronic Monitoring in homecarethe (re) production of unpaid labour.New Technology, Work and Employment,32(2), 101-114. Rayner, J., Espinoza, D. E. (2016). Emotional labour under public management reform: An exploratory study of school teachers in England.The International Journal of Human Resource Management,27(19), 2254-2274. Van De Voorde, K., Van Veldhoven, M., Paauwe, J. (2014). Relationships between work unit climate and labour productivity in the financial sector: A longitudinal test of the mediating role of work satisfaction.European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology,23(2), 295-309.

Monday, December 2, 2019

More Than an Ordinary Sunday free essay sample

Walking through those doors on that first Sunday, I was nervous. My senses were overwhelmed by the brightness of the lobby and the sounds of laughter ricocheting off the walls. My hands shook. I felt new and strange, even though my life had always revolved around this kind of work. Unbeknownst at the time, I had actually entered an alternate universe. In this venue, everyone worked together in perfect harmony and peace, creating a â€Å"utopian society† for all who wished to be a part of it. On one of the many doors, I saw a sign boldly proclaiming â€Å"Volunteer Lounge† and I walked into the room. There, as well as in the other rooms of the building, I was slowly taught how to be a human in this new society called Friendship Circle. Once given a nametag, I was introduced to the boy who I was to work with for the year. We will write a custom essay sample on More Than an Ordinary Sunday or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The idea was that I was supposed to befriend him, mentor him, and help him to have fun. Or so I thought. In reality, that is what he, and the other children, did for me. I checked the schedule— a conveniently placed sticker given to all volunteers. It said, â€Å"12:00- music in the gym†. It didn’t occur to me that I wasn’t aware of where the gum was located; I simply followed the flow of people into an overly crowded elevator. As the elevator went down, I made an effort to converse with the boy who I knew next to nothing about. â€Å"Hi Jake, I’m Jenna,† I tried/ When that solicited no response, I made another attempt. â€Å"Are you excited to be here today?† He looked up. The elevator came to a halt and everyone stepped out. We walked over to the set of doors before the gym, and Jake started to yank me away. â€Å"Come on, it’s time for music, let’s go in before they start.† He pulled away further. It was then that I realized a few things. First of all, Jake really didn’t want to go in the gym. And secondly, I didn’t know how to handle it. The schedule said that we should be in the gym, what was I supposed to do if my â€Å"buddy† didn’t want to go in? I gave up on pulling him into the room and asked, â€Å"What do you want to do?† I tried to relax and gave him a broad smile. That was it, what I was missing—a simple muscle reflex that took almost no effort on my part. The rest of the day went smoothly. Another Sunday, while tentatively playing with some puppets, it dawned on me that my hesitance was due to a fear of being laughed at. In today’s society, we are taught the importance of fitting in, thus squelching our creativity. But it’s okay to be imaginative; people have become famous for sharing their unique ideas. About two months into the program, I stumbled upon another discovery: the true meaning of friendship. A real friend is the person you can count on to give you respect, understand that you need to be loved just the way you are, and make you smile when you are having a bad day. Everyone deserves to have at least one person that they can call a friend. Every week that I volunteer, I come out with a new take on life and a new lesson learned from my adventures. Apply these lessons—a task much larger than I could have ever imagined—has positively impacted my existence. When walking through the halls, I make a point of smiling and saying â€Å"hello† to fellow students. I have realized that I am comfortable being myself—even if it means that I act foolish, or dress in my own style. And that our differences make us the special, interesting people we are. I could have learned these morals elsewhere; I can find them in books, or hear about them on the internet, but experiencing something firsthand is much more effective than just reading about it. Volunteering at Friendship Circle has been molding me into the more confident, respectful person that I want to be. It turns out that when you brighten other people’s lives, you end up brightening your own too.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

15 Quotes That Will Help You Identify Flattery and Praise

15 Quotes That Will Help You Identify Flattery and Praise Praise has a therapeutic effect on the receiver. It helps to restore a persons self-esteem. It gives hope. Praise is not flattery. There is a distinct difference between the two. Learn to Differentiate Between Praise and Flattery There is a popular Aesops tale about the foolish crow and the wily fox. A hungry crow finds a piece of cheese and sits on a branch of a tree to enjoy his meal. A fox who was equally hungry sees the crow with the piece of cheese. Since he badly wants the food, he decides to trick the crow with flattering words. He lavishes praise on the crow by calling him a beautiful bird. He says that he would like to hear the crows sweet voice, and asks the crow to sing. The foolish crow believes that the praise is genuine, and opens his mouth to sing. Only to realize that he had been fooled by the wily fox when the cheese was hungrily devoured by the fox. The difference lies in the intent of the words. You can praise someone for their actions, or the lack of it, while flattery can be vague, undefined, and even false. Here are some ways to spot the difference between praise and flattery. Praise Is Specific to an Action; Flattery Is Adulation Without a Cause Praise is an actionable device to encourage a positive outcome. For instance, a teacher could praise her student by saying, John, your handwriting has improved since last week. Good job! Now, such words of praise can help John to improve his handwriting further. He knows what his teacher likes, and he can work on his handwriting to produce better results. However, if the teacher says, John, youre good in class. I think youre the best! these words are unspecific, vague, and offer no direction for improvement to the receiver. John will, of course, feel good about the kind words from his teacher, but he wouldnt know how to be better in his class. Praise Intends to Encourage; Flattery Intends to Deceive Flattery is buttering up. With flattering words, someone hopes to get their job done without any concern for the person who receives the flattery. Flattery is based on an ulterior motive, that only benefits the flatterer. On the other hand, praise benefits the receiver, by encouraging the receiver to see the positive side of life. Praise helps others to recognize their talents, raise their self-esteem, restore hope, and give direction. Praise helps both the giver and the receiver.   Those Who Praise Are Immensely Self-Confident; Those Who Flatter Dont Have Confidence Since flattery is manipulative, flatterers are usually spineless, weak, and of poor character. They feed on others ego and hope to get scraps of goodies from egocentric megalomaniacs. Those who flatter dont have leadership qualities. They lack the personality to inspire and instill confidence. On the other hand, praise givers are usually self-confident and assume leadership positions. They are able to infuse positive energy in their team, and they know how to channel the energy of each member of the team through praise and encouragement. By giving praise, they can not just help others grow, but they also enjoy self-growth. Praise and appreciation go hand in hand. And so does flattery and adulation. Praise Fosters Trust; Flattery Fosters Mistrust Would you trust a person who tells you how wonderful you are, how kind you are, or how great you are? Or would you trust a person who tells you that you are a good co-worker, but you need to improve your social skills? It is tough to spot flattery if the flatterer is cunning enough to veil his words to sound like appreciation. A devious person could make flattery look like genuine praise. In the words of  Walter Raleigh:   But it is hard to know them from friends, they are so obsequious and full of protestations; for a wolf resembles a dog, so doth a flatterer a friend. You have to be careful when you receive compliments that amount to nothing. Flattery according to the Bible, is a form of hatred. Flattery can be used to manipulate, cheat, deceive, and hurt others. Beware of Flattery Because Flatterers Can Hurt You Words that are sweetened with honeyed words can fool the gullible. Dont let others sway you by their sweet words that mean nothing. If you meet someone who praises you without reason or charms you with honeyed words of appreciation, it is time to cock your ears and listen beyond the words. Ask yourself:   Is he or she trying to woo me? What are his/her intentions?  Are these words true or false?Can there be an ulterior motive behind these flattering words? Accept Praise With a Pinch of Salt Let praise or flattery not go into your head. While it is good to hear praise, accept it with a pinch of salt. Perhaps, the person who praised you is usually generous. Or perhaps, the person praising you wants something out of you. Flattery can be exhausting, even if they are generous. It is like eating too much sweet and feeling sick after a while. Praise, on the other hand, is measured, specific, and direct. Know Who Your Real Friends and Well Wishers Are Sometimes, those who criticize you more often than praise you have the best interest in their heart. They may be stingy when it comes to praise, but their words of appreciation are more genuine than compliments you gather from a stranger. Learn to spot your true friends, from those who are friends in good times. Shower praises and compliments wherever necessary, but not because you want to gain a fat favor. Be genuine and specific while praising someone, if you want to be accepted as a well-wisher. If someone flatters you, and you are unable to tell whether it is flattery or praise, double-check with a true friend, who can help you see the difference. A good friend will puncture your inflated ego, and bring you back to ground reality if the need arises. Here are 15 quotes that talk about praise and flattery. Follow the advice given in these 15 inspirational quotes on praise and flattery, and you will be able to tell the difference between praise and flattery every time. Minna Antrim: Between flattery and admiration there often flows a river of contempt.Baruch Spinoza: None are more taken in by flattery than the proud, who wish to be the first and are not.Samuel Johnson: Just praise is only a debt, but flattery is a present.Anne Bradstreet: Sweet words are like honey, a little may refresh, but too much gluts the stomach.Italian Proverb: He that flatters you more than you desire either has deceived you or wishes to deceive.Xenophon: The sweetest of all sounds is praise.Miguel de Cervantes: It is one thing to praise discipline, and another to submit to it.Marilyn Monroe: It is wonderful to have someone praise you, to be desired.John Wooden: You cant let praise or criticism get to you. Its a weakness to get caught up in either one.Leo Tolstoy: In the best, the friendliest and simplest relations flattery or praise is necessary, just as grease is necessary to keep wheels turning.Croft M. Pentz: Praise, like sunlight, helps all things to grow. Zig Ziglar: If youre sincere, praise is effective. If youre insincere, its manipulative.Norman Vincent Peale: The trouble with most of us is that we would rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism.Orison Swett Marden: There is no investment you can make which will pay you so well as the effort to scatter sunshine and good cheer through your establishment.Charles Fillmore: We increase whatever we praise. The whole creation responds to praise and is glad.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Laoban - Old Boss in Mandarin Chinese

Laoban - Old Boss in Mandarin Chinese Titles are important in Chinese culture, and they are used more frequently than in most Western countries. One good example of this is that titles can be used to address people, which you might be familiar with from your Mandarin class where you can call the teacher è€ Ã¥ ¸ « (lÇŽoshÄ «). While that can be done in English too, its usually reserved for younger kids and not as common as in Mandarin Chinese. è€ Ã¦  ¿/éâ€"† (lÇŽobÇŽn) - boss; shopkeeper The title for â€Å"shopkeeper† is lÇŽobÇŽn. This is used to refer to the owner or proprietor of a shop. LÇŽobÇŽn can be used when referring to or addressing the shopkeeper. LÇŽobÇŽn has two characters: è€ Ã¦  ¿/éâ€"†: The first one, lÇŽo, means â€Å"old,† and is a term of respect. It is the same character used in lÇŽoshÄ « (teacher). Even though it doesnt mean old in this context, it can be a useful memory aid to think of it like that.The second character éâ€"†, bÇŽn, means â€Å"boss,† so the literal translation of lÇŽobÇŽn â€Å"old boss.† Note that these are different in simplified and traditional Chinese (simplified: æ  ¿, traditional éâ€"†, but the simplified version is used in traditional too). The most common meaning of æ  ¿ is plank. To remember the word, create a vivid picture of a typical shopkeeper in China (whatever comes to mind when you think of the word), but picture the person with a face like an old, gnarled plank. Examples of LÇŽobÇŽn Click on the links to hear the audio. Nà ¨igà ¨ lÇŽobÇŽn yÇ’u mi hÄ›n hÇŽo de dÃ… ngxÄ «.é‚ £Ã¥â‚¬â€¹Ã¨â‚¬ Ã©â€"†æÅ"‰è ³ £Ã¥ ¾Ë†Ã¥ ¥ ½Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¦  ±Ã¨ ¥ ¿Ã©â€š £Ã¤ ¸ ªÃ¨â‚¬ Ã¦  ¿Ã¦Å"‰å â€"Ã¥ ¾Ë†Ã¥ ¥ ½Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¤ ¸Å"è ¥ ¿That shopkeeper has very good things.LÇŽobÇŽn hÇŽo. YÇ’u mà ©iyÇ’u mi pà ­ngguÇ’?è€ Ã©â€"†å ¥ ½. æÅ"‰æ ²â€™Ã¦Å"‰è ³ £Ã¨Ëœâ€¹Ã¦Å¾Å"?è€ Ã¦  ¿Ã¥ ¥ ½. æÅ"‰æ ² ¡Ã¦Å"‰å â€"è‹ ¹Ã¦Å¾Å"?Hello. Do you sell apples? Edit: This article was significantly updated by Olle Linge on April 25th 2016.

Thursday, November 21, 2019


IMPACT OF INCORPORATION OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS - Essay Example Apparently, it also during this time that information technologies were introduced into organizations and as a result they have come with numerous advantages and limitations for that matter. However, information technology has also incorporated some of the existing organizational features in a bid to maximize on the efficiency. On that note, with information systems innovations which serve to control the manner in which information is handled, it has also created a number of opportunities and consequently leads to the growth of the industry over and improved on the service delivery. On that note, this paper majorly focuses on the manners in which information systems have been able to revolutionize the manner in which we work (Willmott, 1995). Evidently, it is clear that information systems have been able to change the way we work and improved the efficiency. In addition to that, this paper will also document in the subsequent sections some of the limitations of employing information systems in our society. First and foremost, information technology has been able to change the fabric of organization. Apparently, information technology was mandated with the task of automating the operations that existed in a bid to improve the effectiveness of service delivery (Grant&Willcocks, 1995). Furthermore, another task of information systems in organization was to speed up and increase the communication channel of an organization (Willmott, 1995). On that note, automation of the organization entailed that the collection, storage and transmission of information within an organization employed information systems innovations as opposed to the traditional forms which required paper and individuals since they were more effective and accurate. On that note, every functional organ in an organization held information relevant to the activities they do (Willmott, 1995). For instance, the marketing department held and stored information pertaining to sales, accounting department h eld and stored information pertaining to the financial statements of the company. In addition to that, the functional organization was changed with incorporation of information systems. On a similar theme, the management of the organization entailed the separate management of the various organs of the company (Grant&Willcocks, 1995). In the case that more than one organ were required to work hand in hand, information technology has been able to facilitate this through creation of communication channels through which information from the various organs in the organization can be exchanged with other organs within the company. On that note, research has been able to establish since the incorporation of information technology into industries, the growth of the sector has been phenomenal (Pollock, 2003). Furthermore, productivity of industries has increased rapidly and this has been attributed to the various innovations and incorporation of information systems into industries. This is a ttributed to the decentralized manner of running the organization through the use various organs of the company, efficient job training strategies and the redesigning of the organization structures (Grant&Willcocks, 1995). In addition to that, information systems have been successful due to the fact that with the improvement in the information technology for instance communication by increasing the bandwidth in communicational channels, more information has been exchanged and on the long run decreasing the expense of communication. Consequently, this has led to the increase in the thriving of the information system sector and fostered more investment opportunities in this sector

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Write Informal Reports to your boss Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Write Informal Reports to your boss - Case Study Example 98 percent of them Sam are complaining that our cafeteria lacks cleanliness. Typical area of concerns are the dirty tables, littered floors, unclean utensils, spots on glasses, dirty aprons of cafeteria workers, dusts on lighting fixtures and counter with condiments dirty. Along with the dirty cafeteria and its bad food also comes bad service. 76 percent of our employees are complaining of sury and unfairly cafteria workers; that tables were not cleaned off and that cashiers slap change on trays just to give you few examples. Gleaning from this data, we really need to rehabilitate our cafeteria the soonest time possible. This issue has already grown to a magnitude as the most pressing issue that could demotivate our employees. I don’t think that the complaints are isolated because we have 98, 80 and 75 percent complaints on cleanliness, quality of food and service and these figures are very conclusive. I did a surprise ocular visit on our cafteria and it really is horrible as many of our employees are complaining. For me, it is already a given that the current administration of our cateria is no longer effective. They may be undermotivated or understaff but the bottom line is, despite this lingering complaints, they are still not doing about it. If we are going to add more staff with the same attitude, I don’t think that they will improve. In addition, focusing too much on this is taking away valuable executive time. Don’t get me wrong though, I am not downplaying the importance of our cafeteria, it is just I do not think that we should continue with the present set up. My suggestion is, to renovate the place and hire several third party vendors who could provide cleanliness, service and quality food at affordable price. To keep them in check, we will have several vendors so that there will be competition among them. One of the major reason perhaps why our cafeteria turned this way is because it has a

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Greek tragedies Essay Example for Free

Greek tragedies Essay Explore how Arthur Miller develops the character of Eddie Carbone in three key episodes in A View from the Bridge Arthur Miller worked on the Brooklyn docks amongst many longshoremen and dockers such as Eddie Carbone. Working on the docks was a significant time in Arthur Millers life because thats where he met Italian American immigrants which inspired him to write A View from the Bridge. Arthur Miller creates Eddie Carbones character like a Modern Greek Tragic hero because when the play starts the audience respects and admires his character. He is loving to his wife and protective of his niece. But as the play continues you start to see the real Eddie Carbone unfold. The audiences first impression of Eddie Carbone is a very honourable person who has pride in his niece. He is quite concerned about her sexuality, for example he says to her your walkin wavy and heads are turning like windmills. He is concerned because he wants to protect Catherine and feels that she is sexually vulnerable. Eddie also demonstrates concern for his wife. He says that she has too big a heart. The audience would be quite impressed with his sense of responsibility. Moreover Eddie seems very keen to help the fellow Italians on their arrival. He insists that they behave very discreetly for example when he is describing to Catherine and Beatrice the dangers of holding illegal immigrants he says You dont know nothing! They got stool pigeons all over this neighbourhood. By saying this, the audience would probably think he is very loyal. However, Eddie can be seen to reveal a frailty in his character very early on. He clearly shows some paranoia and over-protectiveness for his niece. You can tell this when he complains to her why didnt you ask me before you got a job. Eddie is asking for too much control over Catherine. Like a tragic hero, he is honourable but there is something unsettling about his character. Also his reaction after Catherine lights his cigar could interpret this over-protectiveness he shows for her could in fact be a disturbing feature in his character. We can see character and weaknesses unfolding at the end of Act One. Eddie Carbones character at the end of Act One becomes more open about his hatred for Rodolpho. He demonstrates his lack of control over his emotions, also starts to act sarcastically and mockingly for example, he says I know lemons are green for Christs sake. Arguing with Rodolpho and resenting his comments shows his desire to provoke conflict. He also mocks Rodolpho about his femininity. He announces to everyone if I could sing, I wouldnt be on the water front, I would be in a dress store. He is trying to make Catherine think twice about Rodolphos sexuality. In doing so, he is also asserting his own masculinity in an attempt to warn off others and impress Catherine. In this scene Eddie is beginning to feel quite powerless in his own house since Marco and Rodolphos arrival. He has lost control over Catherine, which considering his obsessive protectiveness he cannot bear. The last scene of Act One Miller also establishes a very dramatic atmosphere. Because of Eddies increasingly frenzied personality it makes the other characters wary of him, for example he keeps on repeating himself which could be a sign of madness his psychological breakdown. It unsettles and alarms the other characters. We have a constant sense that he is volatile and unpredictable. Furthermore, when Marco raises the chair like a weapon above his head Miller symbolises Eddies loss of power and control. It is clear that another man has entered his house and beaten him at his own game. At the start of Act Two you can clearly see how Miller has chosen to develop Eddies flaws. He portrays Eddies hatred for Rodolpho as he says to Catherine that she cannot leave the apartment with that indicating Rodolpho. Referring to Rodolpho as that implies that he thinks he is superior to Rodolpho just because hes an illegal Immigrant. Furthermore, the use of the word that suggests he is only a detestable object. Eddie also says watch your step submarine. By rights they oughta throw you back in the water. This is a direct threat towards Rodolpho that he might inform the Immigration Bureau of his illegal entry into the country. It is also an assertion of his power over Rodolpho. Eddies attempts to humiliate Rodolpho fail thoroughly when he kisses him. Eddie pins his arms laughing and suddenly kisses him. Eddie thinks by emasculating Rodolpho, Catherine can see what Eddie is seeing, but all shes can see is that Eddie has lost control of himself under the influence of alcohol and pitiful repressed feelings. His actions in this scene suggest he is far from the respectable individual he was at the start. Moreover, he becomes quite pathetic in the eyes of the audience. However we interpretate the kiss, whether he is demonstrating repressed homosexuality, insecure masculinity or just immaturity and drunkenness, the audience think less of him. Moreover, the other characters must be really shocked by Eddies ghastly behaviour. He sits, still panting for breath, and they watch him helplessly. This suggests that they are confused and worried by his outburst. At this moment in time the sympathy from the audience for Eddie would have been washed away since the start of the play. Now the audience would be more sympathetic for Catherine because it looks as if shes being imprisoned and controlled. You can tell this when she says to Rodolpho suppose I wanted to live in Italy. She is trying to get as far as possible from Eddie. The stage direction as she strives to free herself is symbol of her of her imprisonment. The start of Act One is also the first time the audience realise that Eddies obsession for Catherine is actually sexual. You can tell this when Eddie comes home drunk he sees Catherine come out of the bedroom adjusting her skirt and then Rodolpho walks out behind her. As soon as Eddie realises what they were doing he slightly jerks his arms, it shows what he now understands is unbearable to him. In conclusion, Arthur Miller could have developed Eddies character for a didactic purpose. Most Greek tragedies have a didactic purpose to show the audience to never reveal our deepest desires and to maintain our composure. You can tell that Eddie could be a didactic figure because in Alfieris last speech he states most of the time now we settle for half. He could be saying that Eddie was asking for too much from Catherine, but Alfieri could mean that we shouldnt ask for too much when we cant be satisfied so we should just settle for half. However, in Greek tragedies the tragic hero commits an offence and is supposed to learn from his mistake but still suffers from it, therefore moral order is restored. In the last scene this was very strongly portrayed, as it was his own knife, in his own hands that was plunged into his chest. This shows that all the things he done wrong was of his own doing.

Friday, November 15, 2019

herody Free Essays Homers Odyssey: Odysseus as Heroic Archetype :: Homer Odyssey Essays

Odysseus as  Archetype of a Hero  in  The Odyssey      Odysseus, of Homer's Odyssey, is an appropriate hero and ruler of Ithaca. He does not act irrationally but contemplates his actions and their implications. Odysseus is an appropriate hero because he embodies the values of bravery, intelligence, astuteness, and competency. Odysseus is an appropriate ruler for Ithaca by virtue of his hereditary right to kingship as well as his diplomatic skills, familiarity with his male subjects, discipline, and his impartiality and compassion. However, he is a character that does make a foolish decision. There is a rare instance when his pride supersedes his intellectual ability. Odysseus is an appropriate hero for he embodies the values of bravery, intelligence, astuteness, and competency. While he trying to return home from Ilium, numerous suitors attempt to seduce his wife, Penelope. However, when he returns Odysseus cleverly plans and carries out the demise of the evil and wasteful suitors with the help of Athena, goddess of wisdom: "Come on [Athena] weave me a plan to punish them [the suitors]." Odysseus' wisdom is admired by Athena, the goddess of that aptness. Athena is also impressed by his battle heroics and so she endeavors to provide him with succor: "And you didn't know Pallas Athenaia the daughter of Zeus himself, your faithful stand-by and guardian in all your labours!" With Athena's assistance Odysseus becomes a true hero. Odysseus is the epitome of honor and virtue for his Ithacan subjects. Odysseus' kind and stalwart leadership is revealed by Eumaios, his faithful swineherd, and Philoitios, his loyal cowherd, who have both remained loyal to him for twenty years. Eumaios praises Odysseus as "A rare fine master." "Indeed I do not mourn so much for them as for him [Odysseus], though I long to see 'em again and my native land, but I do miss Odysseus since he went away. I don't like to speak his name, man, although he is absent, but I call him 'his honour,' even when he is far away." Odysseus is a befitting king because it is his ancestral right, for he is familiar with his male subjects and understands their desires. Odysseus' equity and mercy is displayed after his triumph over the suitors, whom he executed because of their lawless behavior. However, Odysseus shows compassion by allowing Phemius, the minstrel suitor, and Medon, a herald suitor to live. "Cheer up, my son has saved your life.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Macbeth coursework act 3 scene 4 Essay

Macbeth is so important in this scene because it’s all about him in this scene and every thing that happens is revolving round him. Before this Banquo was killed by Macbeths hired murderers. During this scene Macbeth, Lady Macbeth and the lords are in the dining hall. They are celebrating Macbeth becoming king of Scotland, Macbeth starts to make a toast to celebrate the event when one of the murderers runs in and tells him that Banquo is dead. Macbeth then says,†to our beloved friend who will be greatly missed.† After this Macbeth walks back to his seat to see Banquo sitting there in his seat reaching out to him drenched in blood. Macbeth is extremely shocked he drops his cup and gasps. Macbth starts to panic and walks back still staring at the seat where he saw Banquo’s apparition and says, â€Å"don’t shake thy gory locks at me.† In this particular age people really believed in ghosts and the supernatural. They also believed that you really would go to hell if you committed mortal sins in your life .They also believed that only god could make a man into a king and only god could take his life and if anyone were to take it into their own hands would pay dearly. ` Everything was going considerably smoothly up until this point at the banquet. Everything before this was quite relaxed until an excited mood starts to kick in during the banquet and it gets the audience excited and ready for more exciting stuff to happen. It sets an edgy unrelaxed and chaotic mood. We learn that Macbeth is now at this stage very paranoid and scared. Scared that someone will find out about what he has done and scared of the consequences. He knows deep down that he will have to keep killing to cover all this up and that is what he scared of. He said he would rather face a tiger than to keep on fighting with these ghosts and apparitions. Lady Macbeth constantly tries to reassure Macbeth that everything is all right and tries to calm down the lords who are present throughout all the commotion. She assures the worried lords that he will be fine saying â€Å"on a thought he will be alright again.† Macbeth is loosing it and is saying things to the lords â€Å"which of you have done this† in a very accusing manner. Ross then seems very concerned for Macbeth as he says â€Å"what sights my lord,† because Macbeth is the only one in the room who can see this apparition. In other words Ross is asking what are you seeing in these hallucinations. Macduff does not attend the banquo because he suspects Macbeth to be up to something mischievous and becoming king so quickly. This does not help Macbeth and Duncan’s grudge between each other as we see them fight later on in the play. After the banquet Macbeth is talking to Lady Macbeth still very shaken and anxious by what happened he says to her â€Å"it will have blood they say and blood will have blood.† He also says, â€Å"I am in blood steeped so far that should I wade no more returning were as tedious as go o ‘er.†Which basically means that that he is in this too deep now and he cant get out of the trouble he has landed himself in. Which is the constant state of paranoia guilty conciseness and regret he is in and can’t get out of. The symbolism in this scene during the banquet is the ghost of Banquo. It is a symbol of Macbeth’s guilt and the terrible thing he has done to his one time good friend Banquo. The blood also shows symbolism in a way that blood will have more blood. It might mean he may have to keep killing if he wishes to remain out of the list of suspects of murderers In other words he will kill any who oppose him or try to prove that he was the one who killed banquo and king Duncan. There is a lot of dramatic effectiveness in this scene. The moods change very suddenly during the banquet scene when Macbeth was making a speech the last thing you thought you were going to see is the bloody ghost of Banquo sitting there calling out to Macbeth. And before this it was all merriment with the lords all gathered round the table eating drinking and chatting to each other and all of a sudden this happened. There was also a lot of dramatic effectiveness in the language that was used such as â€Å"don’t shake thy gory locks at me,† â€Å"they say blood will have blood,† † what man dare, I dare approach the rugged Russian bear, the armed rhino or the hyrcan tiger, take any shape but that my firm nerves shall never tremble.† A lot of dramatic effectiveness was used to make this scene, powerful, shocking, gripping and in some parts frightening. A Shakespearean audience would be very surprised and excited watching a play of Macbeth. This is because back then the upper rich class who by the way would have been the only kind of people who would have seen this play, would not be as used to bloody and violent scenes as there are in Macbeth. So Shakespeare was in a way quite ahead of his time when it came to writing plays. On the other hand a modern audience would not in my opinion act too shocked at the frightening bits of this scene as modern society are more hardened toward violence. This scene is one of the main â€Å"thrilling† scenes in the play and I think that is important because it adds that thrilling element that I think a lot of plays and films need to not stay too boring and one noted. The Mcbeth play was written for the ruling king james who was in power at that time and for the rich audience of the shakespearian era.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Accounting Project Essay

Foundations of Accounting I Accounting Project Written by: Karen Pitsch Special thanks to Donna Larner Randiddle Co. is a merchandising business. Their account balances as of November 30, 2012 (unless otherwise indicated), are as follows: 110Cash$ 74,370 112Accounts Receivable 6,178 113Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 650 115Merchandise Inventory 2,346 116Prepaid Insurance 5,750 117Store Supplies 2,850 123Store Equipment 100,800 124Accumulated Depreciation-Store Equipment 31,060 210Accounts Payable 3,286 211Salaries Payable 0 218Interest Payable 0 220Note Payable (Due 2017) 30,000 ($6,000 to be paid in 2013) 310Randiddle, Capital (January 1, 2012) 46,288 311Randiddle, Withdrawals 60,000 312Income Summary 0 410Sales 296,130 411Sales Returns and Allowances 10,020 412Sales Discounts 7,200 510Cost of Goods Sold 30,250 520Sales Salaries Expense 34,400 521Advertising Expense 18,000 522Depreciation Expense 0 523Store Supplies Expense 0 529Miscellaneous Selling Expense 2,800 530Office Salaries Expense 25,500 531Rent Expense 24,200 532Insurance Expense 0 533Bad Debt Expense 0 539Miscellaneous Administrative Expense 1,650 550 Interest Expense 1,100 See more: Analysis of Starbucks coffee company employees essay Randiddle Co. uses the perpetual inventory system and the First-in, First-out costing method. Transportation-in and purchase discounts should be added to the Inventory Control Sheet, but since this will complicate the computation of the First-in, First-out costing method, please ignore this step in the process. They also use the Allowance Method for bad debt. The Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Subsidiary Ledgers along with the Inventory Control Sheet should be updated as each transaction affects them (daily). Randiddle Co. sells three types of microwave ovens. The sale prices of each are: 900 watt microwave: $199 1000 watt microwave: $299 1200 watt microwave: $499 During December, the last month of the accounting year, the following transactions were completed: Dec. 1. Issued check number 2632 for the December rent, $2,200. 2. Sold two 1200 watt microwaves for cash. 4. Purchased four 1000 watt microwaves on account from Matt Co., terms 2/10, n/30, FOB shipping point, $596. 5. Issued check number 2633 to pay the transportation charges on purchase of December 4, $89. (NOTE: Debit Merchandise Inventory. Do not include shipping and purchase discounts to the Inventory Control sheet for this project.) 6. Sold six 1000 watt microwaves and four 1200 watt microwaves on account to Briana Co., invoice 891, terms 2/10, n/30, FOB shipping point. 8. Issued check number 2634 for refund of cash on sales made for cash, $150. (Customer was going to return goods until an allowance was arranged.) 10. Purchased store supplies on account from Prince Co., terms n/30, $310. 10. Issued check to Matt Co. number 2635 for the full amount due, less discount allowed. (Round discount to nearest dollar.) 11. Paid Prince Co. full amount due, check number 2636. 12. Issued credit memo for one 1000 watt microwave returned on sale of December 6. (NOTE: Assume the returned microwave was from the 11/30 inventory) 13. Issued check number 2637 for advertising expense for last half of December, $3,000. 14. Received cash from Briana Co. for the full amount due (less return of December 12 and discount; round to nearest dollar). 19. Issued check number 2638 to buy five 900 watt microwaves, $495. 19. Issued check number 2639 for $596 to Joseph Co. on account. 20. Sold seven 900 watt microwaves on account to Cameron Co., invoice number 892, terms 1/10, n/30, FOB shipping point. 20. To expedite sale on Dec. 20, issued check number 2640 for shipping charges on sale to Cameron on December 20, $120 (NOTE: Cameron Co. will be reimbursing us for this shipping cost). 21. Received $1,396 cash from McKenzie Co. on account, no discount. 21. Purchased three 1200 watt microwaves on account from Elisha Co., terms 1/10, n/30, FOB shipping point, $747, shipping $78 (NOTE: Debit Merchandise Inventory $825, but only put $747 in the Inventory Control Sheet). 24. Received notification that Marie Co. has been granted bankruptcy with no amount of recovery. We are to write-off her amount due. (Note: See page 365 for entry required.) 26. Issued a debit memo for return of $249 because of damage to one 1200 watt microwave purchased on December 21, receiving credit from the seller. 27. Issued check number 2641 for sales salaries of $2,050 and office  salaries of $1,400. 28. Purchased store equipment on account from Joseph Co., terms n/30, FOB destination, $1,200. 29. Issued check number 2642 for store supplies, $70. 29. Purchased seven 1000 watt microwave from Prince Co, terms 1/10, n/30, FOB shipping point, for $1,113 on account, shipping $107. 30. Sold eight 1000 watt microwaves on account to Briana Co., invoice number 893, terms 2/10, n/30, FOB shipping point. 30. Received cash from sale of December 20, less discount, plus transportation paid on December 20. (Round calculations to the nearest dollar.) 31. Issued check number 2643 for purchase of December 21, less return of December 25 and discount. (Round discount to the nearest dollar.) 31. Issued a debit memo for $200 of the purchase returned from December 28. Instructions: 1. Enter the balances of each of the accounts in the appropriate balance column of the General Ledger (B-S and I-S Ledger). Write Balance in the item section, and place a (x) in the Post Reference column. 2. Journalize the transactions in a sales journal, purchases journal, cash receipts journal, cash payments journal, or general journal as illustrated in chapter 7. Also post to the Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Subsidiary ledgers and Inventory Control Sheet as needed. 3. Total each column on the special journals and prove the journals. 4. Post the totals of the account named columns and individually post the â€Å"Other Accounts† columns as well to the General Ledger. 5. Prepare the Schedule of Accounts Receivable and the Schedule of Accounts Payable (their total amount must equal the amount in their controlling general ledger account). 6. Prepare the unadjusted trial balance on the worksheet. 7. Complete the worksheet for the year ended December 31, 2012, using the following adjustment data: a. Merchandise inventory on December 31 $1,090 b. Insurance expired during the year 2,250 c. Store supplies on hand on December 31 850 d. Depreciation for the current year needs to be calculated. The business uses the Straight-line method, the store equipment has a useful life of 10 years with no salvage value. (NOTE: the purchase and return will not be included as the dates of the transactions were after the 15th of the month). e. Accrued salaries on December 31: Sales salaries$1,075 Office salaries 540 $1,615 f. The note payable terms are at 8%, payment is not being made until Jan. 3, 2013. Interest must be recognized for one month. g. Calculate the Bad Debt adjustment amount; net realizable value of Accounts Receivable is determined to be $6,313. 8. Prepare a multiple-step income statement, a statement of owner’s equity, and a classified balance sheet in good form. (Recommend review of â€Å"Current Liabilities† on page 149.) 9. Journalize and post the adjusting entries. 10. Journalize and post the closing entries. Indicate closed accounts by inserting a zero in both balance columns opposite the closing entry. 11. Prepare a post-closing trial balance.

Friday, November 8, 2019

List of the 12 Seas Surrounding the Pacific Ocean

List of the 12 Seas Surrounding the Pacific Ocean The Pacific Ocean is the largest of the worlds five oceans. It has a total area of 60.06 million square miles (155.557 million sq km) and it stretches from the Arctic Ocean in the north to the Southern Ocean in the south and has coastlines along the continents of Asia, Australia, North America, and South America. In addition, some areas of the Pacific Ocean feed into what is called a marginal sea instead of pushing right up against the coastlines of the aforementioned continents. By definition, a marginal sea is an area of water that is a partially enclosed sea adjacent to or widely open to the open ocean. Confusingly a marginal sea is also sometimes referred to as a Mediterranean sea, which shouldnt be confused with the actual sea named the Mediterranean.   Marginal Seas of the Pacific Ocean The Pacific Ocean shares its borders with 12 different marginal seas. The following is a list of those seas arranged by area.   Philippine Sea Area: 2,000,000 square miles (5,180,000 sq km) Coral Sea Area: 1,850,000 square miles (4,791,500 sq km) The South China Sea Area: 1,350,000 square miles (3,496,500 sq km) Tasman Sea Area: 900,000 square miles (2,331,000 sq km) Bering Sea Area: 878,000 square miles (2,274,020 sq km) The East China Sea Area: 750,000 square miles (1,942,500 sq km) The Sea of Okhotsk Area: 611,000 square miles (1,582,490 sq km) The Sea of Japan Area: 377,600 square miles (977,984 sq km) Yellow Sea Area: 146,000 square miles (378,140 sq km) Celebes Sea Area: 110,000 square miles (284,900 sq km) Sulu Sea Area: 100,000 square miles (259,000 sq km) The Sea of Chiloà © Area: Unknown The Great Barrier Reef The Coral Sea located in the Pacific Ocean is home to one of natures greatest wonders, the Great Barrier Reef. It is the world largest coral reef system which is made up of almost 3,000 individual corals. Off the coast of Australia, the Great Barrier Reef is one of the nations most popular tourist destinations. For the Aboriginal population of Australia, the reef is culturally and spiritually important. The reef is home to 400 types of coral animals and over 2,000 species of fish. Much of the marine life that calls the reef home, like sea turtles and several whale species.   Unfortunately, climate change is killing the Great Barrier Reef. Rising ocean temperatures cause coral to release  the algae that not only live in it but is the main source of food for the coral. Without its algae, the coral is still alive but is slowly starving to death. This release of algae is known as coral bleaching. By 2016 over 90 percent of the Reef had suffered from coral bleaching and 20 percent of the coral had died. As even humans depend upon coral reef ecosystems for food the loss of the world largest coral reef system would have devastating effects on the plant. Scientists  hope they can stem the tide of climate change and preserve natural wonders like coral reefs.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Isotopes Definition and Examples in Chemistry

Isotopes Definition and Examples in Chemistry Isotopes [ahy-suh-tohps]  are atoms with the same number of protons, but differing numbers of neutrons. In other words, the have different atomic weights. Isotopes are different forms of a single element. Key Takeaways: Isotopes Isotopes are samples of an element with different numbers of neutrons in their atoms.The number of protons for different isotopes of an element does not change.Not all isotopes are radioactive. Stable isotopes either never decay or else decay very slowly. Radioactive isotopes undergo decay.When an isotope decays, the starting material is the parent isotope. The resulting material is the daughter isotope. There are 275 isotopes of the 81 stable elements. There are over 800 radioactive isotopes, some of which are natural and some synthetic. Every element on the periodic table has multiple isotope forms. The chemical properties of isotopes of a single element tend to be nearly identical. The exception would be the isotopes of hydrogen  since the number of neutrons has such a significant effect on the size of the hydrogen nucleus. The physical properties of isotopes are different from each other since these properties often depend on mass. This difference may be used to separate isotopes of an element from each other by using fractional distillation and diffusion. With the exception of hydrogen, the most abundant isotopes of the natural elements have the same number of protons and neutrons. The most abundant form of hydrogen is protium, which has one proton and no neutrons. Isotope Notation There are a couple of common ways to indicate isotopes: List the mass number of an element after its name or element symbol. For example, an isotope with 6 protons and 6 neutrons is carbon-12 or C-12. An isotope with 6 protons and 7 neutrons is carbon-13 or C-16. Note the mass number of two isotopes may be the same, even though they are different elements. For example, you could have carbon-14 and nitrogen-14.The mass number may be given in the upper left side of an element symbol. (Technically the mass number and atomic number should be stacked in line with each other, but they dont always line up on a computer.) For example, the isotopes of hydrogen may be written:11H,  21H,  31H Isotope Examples Carbon 12 and Carbon 14 are both isotopes of carbon, one with 6 neutrons and one with 8 neutrons (both with 6 protons). Carbon-12 is a stable isotope, while carbon-14 is a radioactive isotope (radioisotope). Uranium-235 and uranium-238 occur naturally in the Earths crust. Both have long half-lives. Uranium-234 forms as a decay product. Related Words Isotope (noun), Isotopic (adjective), Isotopically (adverb), Isotopy (noun) Isotope Word Origin and History The term isotope was introduced by the British chemist Frederick Soddy in 1913, as recommended by Margaret Todd. The word means having the same place from the Greek words isos equal (iso-) topos place. Isotopes occupy the same place on the periodic table even though isotopes of an element have different atomic weights. Parent and Daughter Isotopes When radioisotopes undergo radioactive decay, the initial isotope may be different from the resulting isotope. The initial isotope is called the parent isotope, while the atoms produced by the reaction are called daughter isotopes. More than one type of daughter isotope may result. As an example, when  U-238 decays into Th-234, the uranium atom is the parent isotopes, while the thorium atom is the daughter isotope. A Note About Stable Radioactive Isotopes Most stable isotopes dont undergo radioactive decay, but a few do. If an isotope undergoes radioactive decay very, very slowly, it may be termed stable. An example is bismuth-209. Bismuth-209 is a stable radioactive isotope that undergoes alpha-decay, but has a half-life of 1.9 x 1019 years (which is more than a billion times longer than the estimated age of the universe). Tellurium-128 undergoes beta-decay with a half-life estimated to be 7.7 x 1024 years! Historical References Alexander Thomas Cameron,  Radiochemistry  (London, England: J. M. Dent Sons, 1910), p. 141. Soddy, Frederick. Intra-atomic charge. Nature 92, Springer Nature Publishing AG, 1913.. Strà ¶mholm, Daniel and Svedberg, Theodor (1909) Untersuchungen à ¼ber die Chemie der radioactiven Grundstoffe II. (Investigations into the chemistry of the radioactive elements, part 2),  Zeitschrift fà ¼r anorganischen Chemie,  63: 197–206. Thomson, J. J. (1912). XIX. Further experiments on positive rays.  Philosophical Magazine. Series 6.  24  (140): 209.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

California's Education at Risk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

California's Education at Risk - Essay Example For instance, book cost is at its highest right now, just for a simple workbook, students end up paying a minimum of one hundred dollars. For these reasons, we should change the people who are in charge of the California Department of Education. Giving money away that is what the state of California is doing to prisons all over the state. Cutting their budget is one good away to help education in the state. California spends too much money on programs inside the prisons. For example, anger management classes, drug rehabilitation classes, boxing clubs, and many other programs they have inside that the state is supporting. I must say the budget in those prisons has to be in the billions. By eliminating those programs in prisons is one good start the state of California could do. Once those cuts are being done, the next step is focusing on K-12 education, or even community colleges. Prison budgets cuts must be given towards education. Now that Imperial Valley College is overcrowded with very few instructors one good way to spend that money is to hire instructors, and have more classes at the campus. Classes are required for any College or University to exist, but thanks to our wonderful government we don’t have them. My first year in College was in a Community College and it was an awesome experience, but the problem was we lacked classes everywhere. My first year was a nightmare, let me just tell you that I started college without being in any class. I had to crash all my classes and I was lucky enough to get at least three classes, but let me tell you classes were very scarce back then, and it is still today. I had to go from one room to the other, and I remember I went back and forth to the same classroom just at a different hour of the day. Classes are being cut off by our Government and thus teachers are being laid off as well. I got so lucky that I was able to crash one class by having a raffle, and I was one

Friday, November 1, 2019

Application of Microscopy in Biomedical Sciences Lab Report - 1

Application of Microscopy in Biomedical Sciences - Lab Report Example New applications are used to find the path of the unexpected discoveries (Suhling, French and Pillips 2004). Atomic Force Microscopy is the most important technique used in the biomedical applications, but it cannot compete with the traditional electron microscopy and confocal microscopy because of speeds at which later techniques capture the images (Haupt, Pelling and Horton, 2006). Some other scholars also emphasized on the importance of confocal microscopy used for the observation of living cells. Use of the confocal microscopy is now common as non-ionizing radiations are employed, which are also used for the tissue preparation and study of the living cells. TGFÃŽ ² stands for the transforming growth factor ÃŽ ², a family of the secreted factors, which are involved in the growth regulation, migration, differentiation, apoptosis, adhesion in the multistep processes for the wound healing, and angiogenesis. For the epithelial cells, the most important factor of family TGFÃŽ ² is the TGFÃŽ ² 1. It also acts as the growth inhibitor and expresses the early gene JunB. TGFÃŽ ² 1 also plays an important role for the morphology and transcriptional programme of cells. Endothelial cells differ from the epithelial cells, and show the additional features in order to achieve the specific functions. In these cells, the TGFÃŽ ² 1 also controls the process of angiogenesis (Var on et al., 2008). TGFÃŽ ² performs the dual role as metastasis promoter and tumour suppressor and keeps the balance between Smad3 and Smad2. Smad2 is found to be deleted or mutated in human cancers. ROCK Inhibitor such as Y27632 is used for inhibition of the GFP expression (Stuelten et al., 2007). Anti-Endo180 and B3/25 used as the anti-transferring receptor were taken from the Medical College in New York. American Diagnostic Inc. provided the Mouse anti-human LDLR and Mouse anti Human Upar. The wild type known as the Endo 180 was

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Ways In Which Communication Fails In Accident And Emergency Essay

The Ways In Which Communication Fails In Accident And Emergency Between Radiographers - Essay Example to be the leading cause of unnecessary delays in patient care and treatment, insufficient radiation exposure to the patients, improper use of imaging technology facilities, prenatal deaths and injuries, and is the second leading cause for patient falls (JCAHO, 2006). A very important fact is mentioned in a report that is about how medication errors can be reduced in the hospitals according to which, â€Å"between 44,000 and 98,000 people die each year as a result of all types of medical errors.† (Patel, 2004). The ultimate importance of communication is suggested by almost every person, because it lays the foundation for good results unequivocally. Actually, the basic characteristics of good inter-professional communication need to be understood but, despite many efforts to develop healthy and bias-free relationships in the hospital setups, no research regarding the ways to develop beneficial inter-professional communication exists in the present. It is mentioned by (Wear, 199 7) that the medical students are not deeply taught about ways to handle relationships with other health care professionals like technologists, radiographers etc. in their medical schools. (Zwarenstein M, Goldman J, and Reeves S, 2009) suggest that inter-professional communication (IPC) skills need to be properly taught to both doctors and radiographers, so that they may know how to practically use those skills when needed in emergency situations where immediately many x-rays one after another are required and for good x-rays, doctors must collaborate vigorously with radiographers. (Pearson, 2011) suggests that lack of verbal communication between doctors and radiographers can lead to the professionals simply forgetting some patients, which leads to chances that those patients might be left... The purpose of this is to establish new and better lines of communication between doctors and radiographers. Critical discussion is also presented in the report which underlines the major reasons why doctors and radiographers find it difficult or impossible to communicate with each other in emergency situation especially. Some recommendations are also included which may help in improving the patient care and removing the deficiencies resulting primarily from bad management and poor inter-professional relationships. Rationale: The main purpose of this report is to identify the major reasons that prove to be hurdles in the path of effective communication. From the discussion above and the results of the survey analysis, this much becomes clear that the heavily strained communication between doctors and radiographers in situations of emergency proves to be markedly hazardous for the patients. There is also lack of understanding about the significance and importance of inter-personal communication and good managerial skills, due to which occupational stress results and chaos is produced in the hospitals. There do exist some strategies like â€Å"VoIP Telephony and wireless communications† for modernizing the communication capability between the health care professionals. For proper and person-to-person communication between doctors and radiographers, wireless communication must be ensured in all the hospitals. Moreover, both doctors and radiographers should be especially educated about the ways to handle the important burden of patients in A&E departments and OTs for improving the patient care.

Monday, October 28, 2019

The ethical issues regarding recreational hunting

The ethical issues regarding recreational hunting For well over a century, recreational hunting has been an activity pursued by millions of Americans (Eliason, 2008). Hunting is something that has occupied our young country since we got here. It is an outdoors sport that used to be the only way people acquired their food, and many depended on what hunting offered. In recent years, however, hunting has become a very controversial topic. This is in large part due to the overwhelming gun problem this country is facing. But it is also because many people, today, dont understand why people hunt. They do not see how you could find joy out of it anymore. There are others that believe completely otherwise. Some believe that hunting is a part of our culture, and we should continue to utilize the wildlife like we have for so many years. Hunting has become a very controversial topic, and many are not educated on the topic enough to make a decision one way or the other. Hunting, regarded to humans, is essentially the tracking of a certain animals with intentions on killing the animal. For a person that does not know very much about hunting, they may think that this sounds very cruel. However the hunter, usually, has no intentions on torturing the animal. Hunting is considered a sport to many here in the United Sates. That being said, many also do not consider this a sport. Paul Rodriguez, a Mexican Comedian, had this to say about hunting; Hunting is not a sport. In a sport, both sides should know theyre in the game. Even though this is a funny spin off of hunting, it is very relevant. For people that disagree with hunting, this would make a lot of sense. The animal obviously has no idea that it is in the game. However pro hunting advocates think that hunting is more than just a sport. They feel that it is our culture, and that people need to hunt to contain the wildlifes numbers. There are many different feelings on hunting, but the main two thought s either disagree or agree with hunting. There was a time when animals were not as domestically friendly as they are now. People often forget the importance animals played in the survival of humans. Hunting was a crucial component of hunter-gatherer societies, and is a theme of stories and myths, as well as many proverbs, aphorisms, adages and metaphors even today (History of Hunting). Many believe that a form of Persistence Hunting was the first type of hunting (History of Hunting). This type of hunting was used before people had any sort of weapons that could kill an animal from long distances. People would have had to stalk their prey for long periods of time, and get immaculately close to the animal in order to take down their prey. Throughout the ages man became more advanced and engineered guns, spears, and bows. These weapons were made in large part to assist in hunting animals, allowing people to gather food much easier. Times have progressed, and so has the view of hunting. It is important for both sides of the hun ting debate to remember that hunting is as old as the human kind. In todays world the hunting community has begun to decrease substantially, due to regulations and animal rights groups advocating for a change against hunters. However these groups often do not look at the consequences if there were no hunters. One of the greatest positives hunters can provide is this idea of Wildlife Management. This is simply keeping the numbers of animals down. Wildlife management would be severely weakened, in terms of economic and social support, with- out hunting (Peterson, 2004). Another important area of Wildlife Management is the safety of humans. A specific animal that is hunted here in the U.S. is the Whitetail deer. Whitetails are one of the most overpopulated animals in America. It is also important to know that this is among one of the most common animals hunted in the United States. Deer can cause a lot of harm to humans. Overpopulation of deer affects their food intake, and when it is low they venture out into areas they should not, one of these being roads and in turn come into contact with cars. Another negative aspect of numerous Whitetail Deer is that they tend to carry Lyme disease. The blacklegged tick has 3 active life stages (larva, nymph and adult)à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ most adults feed on white-tailed deer (USDA). If there are too many deer, then there is a greater chance for more widespread amounts of Lyme disease. Hunting is more than just Wildlife Management. For many it is a way of life. People that hunt; feel a certain connectedness to the Wildlife that people who have never hunted could never understand. These are mainly Utilitarianism points of view. They focus on the outcomes, and look at the consequences of the actions. When considering the debate about hunting it is important to understand the ethical dilemmas surrounding the situation. For this specific topic, hunting, there are three concrete ethical categories that can be associated with hunting. These categories that will be examined are; Anthropocentrism, Animal Rights, and Utilitarianism. All three of these ethical categories can be directly related to the hunting issue. All three have their strengths and weaknesses for the argument either against or for hunting. It is important when considering the ethical dilemmas, stemmed by hunting, to look at different ethical categories, because it can provide insight into why people either oppose or support different ethical problems. The first category that will be examined is Anthropocentrism. Anthropocentrism is the view that the only things valuable in themselves are: human beings; their desires, needs, and purposes; and the satisfaction of those (Donahue, 2010). An Anthropocentric perspective would believe that the only thing in this world that really matters, are humans. In this case, by hunting, we would keep the deer population down and prevent any risks that the deer pose to humans. This principle would suggest that hunting would benefit humans instead of benefiting the natural flow of an ecosystem. In contrast to Animal Rights activists views, an Anthropocentric would say that people hunting animals matters more than the wellbeing of the animals. They would say that if there are an abundance of animals, then they could intrude into the wellbeing of humans. They could harm us with disease, and injury. State Farm Auto Insurance does an annual report on how much damage is done between cars and deer collisio ns. The report says that there is an estimated 2.3 million collisions between deer and vehicles that occurred in the U.S. between July 2008 and June 2010, according to State Farm this was 21 percent more than the five years before. (State Farm) The report states that there is an average property damage amount of about $3 thousand per incident. (State Farm) If you do the math it is roughly $7 billion in property damage over the past two year, which is roughly $3.5 billion a year. The point is, if you did not control deer populations through hunting, deer-auto collisions would skyrocket even more, causing more property damage and more injuries and deaths. Anthropocentrism views would see this report and the statistics of it, as extremely harmful to humans. On the other end of the spectrum there are the people that disagree with hunting. In 1991 an animal rights activist, Wayne Pacelle, said Our goal is to get sport hunting in the same category as cock fighting and dog fighting. This is the category of Animal Rights. In the past few years, there has been an increasing amount of pressure from animal rights activists to stop hunting. Many feel that it is a form of animal cruelty. Hunting is increasingly viewed as an antisocial act in contemporary society (Eliason, 2008). Many animal activists work to reduce the amounts of hunting in the country; they also strive to explain to the people whose main concern is not hunting why they should oppose it as well. Animal movement activists seek to stigmatize and mark as deviant what many people perceive as normal, legitimate, mainstream activities such asà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦hunting wild animals for pleasure or profit.(Munro, 1999) Some major animal rights groups include: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), ASPCA, People for Animal Liberation, and many others. Animal Rights activists feel that killing any animal for food or recreation is wrong. It shouldnt matter if the animal is a deer, cow, or chicken. Animal Rights activists considered hunting to be unethical because the human and deer conflict is not the fault of the deer. However it is the fault of humans for taking the habitat away from deer. Animal Rights activists have also advocated for non-lethal methods in animal control. Most notable is Birth Control for deer. Animal Rights advocates believe that it is possible to somehow inject deer with birth control, and in turn they are not as easily able to reproduce. The last ethical category to observe is Utilitarianism. A Utilitarian would believe that hunting offers three benefits. One benefit would be that killing deer for their meat would benefit those who eat venison. Venison is also thought, by many, to be leaner and better for you than beef. It is also important to note that many living in rural areas of the United States need hunting in order to survive. In this tough economy many have expressed that they have lost their jobs, and they have to hunt deer and other wildlife in order to provide for their families. Throughout history hunting deer and other animals is what humans have had to do in order to survive. Another benefit would be that by limiting the population of deer the environment benefits. Overpopulation of deer can create overgrazing, crop reduction, and generally barren land. Utilitarianism would support hunting if it was used for, preserving stability and integrity of biotic communities (Peterson, 2004). Overpopulation of an imals, especially deer, can be very damaging to the ecosystem. With large numbers of deer and other animals, the environment could possibly be damaged by overgrazing. Lastly, a Utilitarian would see a benefit in the fact that deer harbor many diseases. By limiting the amounts of deer, would decrease the amounts of diseases that could possibly be spread to humans. Examining the background of hunting, the pros and cons of it, and the ethical dilemmas surrounding the topic; I believe that hunting should not only be allowed but be encouraged. Hunting does not only benefit the environment, but it also benefits humans. Not all hunting is just for bagging a big buck it is also about the relationship a hunter can acquire with nature. In the hunting world there is also a lot of camaraderie that comes with hunting in the outdoors. It can change the lives of people through spiritual, physiological, and physical means. My father is considered a pro-hunter, so I have some bias for the sport. I have seen how the sport has not only benefited him, but it has grown to be a part of our family. One of the most important things to note about hunting is the fact that these animals were put on Earth for a reason. It is even possible to look at this ethical dilemma in terms of Religious Ethics. As the Bible says in Genesis 9: 2, The fear and dread of you will fall on all the beasts of the earth, and on all the birds in the sky, on every creature that moves along the ground, and on all the fish in the sea; they are given into your hands. (Genesis 9:2). Being a Christian, this is a pretty hard statement to ignore when looking at the hunting dilemma. We have to realize that these animals were put here for a reason, and if we continue to advocate against hunting then we are not using the resources that God has provided us with. Even if you agree with hunting and participate in the hunting of animals, you are still able to understand why some disagree with hunting and what it entails. However many of these disagreements come from people being uneducated with the forms of responsible hunting. Somebody who goes out and hunts for deer and participates in other legal forms of hunting would agree with animal rights views that are against poaching and illegal forms of killing animals. But the fact remains that responsible hunting has more pros than cons. Nobody can deny that the deer population in America is able to grow at an unbelievable rate. The main reason for this is because Deer can adapt to any environment, this is why we see them in our neighborhoods, and in towns. It is also undeniable that overpopulation such as this can be a problem for the environment, and be a potential danger to humans. Responsible hunters can help solve many of these issues. Another thing to note is that in most cases hunting does not inflict any sort of torture on the animal. Animal rights activists have every right to try and defend animals; however they need to make the clear distinction between responsible and irresponsible forms of hunting. Many people are under the impression that hunting is only for red necks out to hurt animals. This could not be further from the truth. Hunting creates a form of camaraderie that some will never be able to understand. When looking at the ethical dilemmas, regarding hunting, it is easy to see why this has turned into such a controversial issue. With the heightened amount of Animal Rights groups, and hunters or supporters of hunters feeling the pressure from these groups there is an inevitable debate. Looking at Anthropocentrism, Animal Rights and Utilitarianism, each category brings something different to the debate. The idea of hunting will never go away. As long as there are people who disagree and agree with this issue, debates will continue to happen regarding hunting. It will also be hard for this debate to go away, because both sides of the spectrum feel very strongly about this particular issue. I will be a firm supporter of hunting until I die, because I have a firsthand take on how positively it can affect the people that participate in hunting. The debate on hunting has many sub sections such as, poaching and gun control. However if you just merely look at hunting and what it can offer hu mans and the environment, it is easy to see how useful hunting can be. As my dad says, I will do all I can to  sustain and grow our  blood sport  until I walk  the  deer woods no longer. (

Friday, October 25, 2019

AIDS :: Free AIDS Essays

AIDS The United Nations AIDS organization released disturbing estimates Thursday of the seemingly relentless expansion of the HIV pandemic. At a time when many Americans are increasingly optimistic that state-of-the- art drug therapy might eliminate the virus, HIV is taking a heavy toll worldwide. According to the agency, every minute of every day somewhere in the world, six people become infected with HIV: 7,500 adults per day and 1,000 children. About 30 million people have acquired the virus during the last 15 years; 6.4 million of them have died of AIDS. Behind this mounting death count are the signs of growing social disruption. For example, in sub-Saharan Africa, more than 1 million children have lost their parents to AIDS. And within four years, there will be more than 2 million AIDS orphans in the following seven countries combined: Dominican Republic, Kenya, Rwanda, Thailand, Uganda, the United States, and Zambia. Illness and death among young adults due to HIV have reached such proportions in some countries that overall national economics and productivity are affected. In Uganda, for example, 44 percent of all premature deaths are attributable to AIDS. In terms of years of labor productivity, AIDS is responsible for more than 66 percent of Uganda's economically significant losses. The virus is also spreading into new areas. For example: -During the last three years, HIV-infection rates among Vietnamese prostitutes jumped from 9 percent to 38 percent. -Infection rates among blood donors in the Cambodian capital of Phnom Penh have soared from 0.1 percent to more than 10 percent. -In the Ukrainian Black Sea port of Nikolayev, HIV-infection rates among narcotics users exploded in 1995, jumping from a 1.7 percent in January to 56.5 percent in November. -South Africa, long spared, is now being overrun.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Evil in the “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” by Robert L. Stevenson Essay

In the novel Robert L. Stevenson defined the nature of evil through the person of Mr. Hyde. He used his character to symbolize evil at its purest and truest form (â€Å"†¦Edward Hyde, alone, in the ranks of mankind, was pure evil† chap 10 p 2; â€Å"†¦one was wholly evil†¦Ã¢â‚¬  chap 10 p 3). In the first chapter (Story of the Door), Stevenson started to objectify the idea of evil as one characterized with intentions and acts that are always meant to hurt and destroy. He even gave it an unpleasant physical form which mirrors the ugliness of its nature. Mr. Enfield, the cousin of Mr. Utterson, remarked on this characteristic and quality of evil when he witnessed the cruel behavior of Mr. Hyde as he coldly trampled on a girl’s body he happened to ran over on one of the street corners of London (â€Å"†¦for the man trampled calmly over the child’s body and left her screaming on the ground† p 14). Evil was also presented by Stevenson as monstrous and terrifying through the words and description of Mr. Enfield (â€Å"It wasn’t like a man; it was like some damned Juggernaut†; â€Å"He was perfectly cool and made no resistance, but gave me one look, so ugly that it brought out the sweat on me like running† p 14). Although Stevenson gave explicit reference to the hideousness of evil in the novel calling it ugly, hellish and other such names, he still touches on the ambiguity of evil which marks it eerily frightening-something that is felt through the senses but is somehow lacking with definiteness and steely finality (â€Å"He is not easy to describe. There is something wrong with his appearance; something displeasing, something downright detestable. I never saw a man I so disliked, and yet I scarce know why. He must be deformed somewhere; he gives a strong feeling of deformity, although I couldn’t specify the point. He’s an extraordinary- looking man, and yet I really can name nothing out of the way. No, sir; I can make no hand of it; I can’t describe him. And it’s not want of memory; for I declare I can see him this moment† p 17–Mr. Enfield gave this observation to Mr. Utterson after being asked by the latter to describe Mr. Hyde). This vagueness surrounding the nature of evil is echoed by Mr. Utterson after having had the opportunity to see Mr. Hyde in person (â€Å"`There must be something else†; â€Å"`There is something more, if I could find a name for it. God bless me, the man seems hardly human! Something troglodytic, shall we say? or can it be the old story of Dr Fell? or is it the mere radiance of a foul soul that thus transpires through† p 26). Mr. Hyde is identified as a symbol of evil through dastardly acts implemented without clear intentions (ex. revenge) and the slightest evidence of remorse and guilt. He carried out his evil ways with gleeful abandon and thoughtlessness. When Hyde murdered Sir Danvers Carew, Dr. Jekyll wrote in a torrent of confession towards the end of the novel that Hyde killed in a state of frenzy like a man whose reason has long been lost (â€Å"With a transport of glee, I mauled the unresisting body, tasting delight from every blow; and it was not till weariness had begun to succeed that I was suddenly, in the top fit of my delirium, struck through the heart by a cold thrill of tenor† p 88). The evil nature of man as conceived by Stevenson is one that is predisposed to the ‘undignified’ (â€Å"The pleasures which I made haste to seek in my disguise were, as I have said, undignified† p 82) lures and pleasures of the world. Mr. Hyde, in execution of the secret desires of Dr. Jekyll, carried the doctor’s hidden dark, carnal pleasures to malevolent, sinister level Dr. Jekyll could no longer control (â€Å"This familiar that I called out of my own soul, and sent forth alone to do his good pleasure, was a being inherently malign and villainous; his every act and thought centred on self; drinking pleasure with bestial avidity from any degree of torture to another; relentless like a man of stone† p 82). The evil that resides in Mr. Hyde is responded to in the novel with terror, aversion and hatred. Mr. Stevenson wants to convey the message that in its purest form man’s evil nature is despicable and thus should be treated with due derision and horror. Throughout the novel as the characters-Mr. Enfield, Mr. Utterson, Mr. Lanyon, and Poole- come face to face with the evil incarnate that is Mr. Hyde, they felt nothing for him and what he represented except repulsion and disgust (â€Å"This person (who had thus, from the first moment of his entrance, struck in me what I can only describe as a disgustful curiosity†; â€Å"At the time, I set it down to some idiosyncratic, personal distaste, †¦ but I have since had reason to believe the cause to lie much deeper in the nature of man, and to turn on some nobler hinge than the principle of hatred† p 69; â€Å"†¦there was something abnormal and misbegotten in the very essence of the creature that now faced me – something seizing, surprising and revolting† chap 72- these were the personal reactions of Dr. Lanyon upon beholding Mr. Hyde in person; â€Å"Did I ever tell you that I once saw him, and shared your feeling of repulsion? † p 46-this was a query posed by Mr. Utterson to Mr. Enfield). Through the outgrowth of Mr. Hyde in the novel from the body and person of Dr. Jekyll, Stevenson seemed to be making the bold statement that evil lurks and lays hidden in each man. Stevenson proposed further that it is the character of evil to prey on the weaker, baser side of man, waiting and eager to pounce as soon as man entertains the idea of succumbing to the call and temptation of his darker nature just as Dr. Jekyll gave in to the lures and lurid passion of Mr. Hyde (â€Å"†¦my evil, kept awake by ambition, was alert and swift to seize the occasion† p 77). In his confession, Dr. Jekyll admitted that every time his good side weakens, Mr. Hyde comes out roaring, becoming increasingly stronger (â€Å"The power: of Hyde seemed to have grown with the sickliness of Jekyll†; â€Å"†¦and at every hour of weakness, and in the confidences of slumber, prevailed against him, and deposed him out of life† p 79;† I began to be tortured with throes and longings, as of Hyde struggling after freedom; and at last, in an hour of moral weakness, I once again compounded and swallowed the transforming draught p 94). Crystallized evil is characterized by Stevenson in the person of Mr. Hyde as one that does not heed the voice of reason and one that is more diabolical than the original evil contained in Dr. Jekyll (â€Å"I knew myself, at the first breath of this new life, to be more wicked, sold a slave to my original evil;† p 78).