Thursday, November 21, 2019


IMPACT OF INCORPORATION OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS - Essay Example Apparently, it also during this time that information technologies were introduced into organizations and as a result they have come with numerous advantages and limitations for that matter. However, information technology has also incorporated some of the existing organizational features in a bid to maximize on the efficiency. On that note, with information systems innovations which serve to control the manner in which information is handled, it has also created a number of opportunities and consequently leads to the growth of the industry over and improved on the service delivery. On that note, this paper majorly focuses on the manners in which information systems have been able to revolutionize the manner in which we work (Willmott, 1995). Evidently, it is clear that information systems have been able to change the way we work and improved the efficiency. In addition to that, this paper will also document in the subsequent sections some of the limitations of employing information systems in our society. First and foremost, information technology has been able to change the fabric of organization. Apparently, information technology was mandated with the task of automating the operations that existed in a bid to improve the effectiveness of service delivery (Grant&Willcocks, 1995). Furthermore, another task of information systems in organization was to speed up and increase the communication channel of an organization (Willmott, 1995). On that note, automation of the organization entailed that the collection, storage and transmission of information within an organization employed information systems innovations as opposed to the traditional forms which required paper and individuals since they were more effective and accurate. On that note, every functional organ in an organization held information relevant to the activities they do (Willmott, 1995). For instance, the marketing department held and stored information pertaining to sales, accounting department h eld and stored information pertaining to the financial statements of the company. In addition to that, the functional organization was changed with incorporation of information systems. On a similar theme, the management of the organization entailed the separate management of the various organs of the company (Grant&Willcocks, 1995). In the case that more than one organ were required to work hand in hand, information technology has been able to facilitate this through creation of communication channels through which information from the various organs in the organization can be exchanged with other organs within the company. On that note, research has been able to establish since the incorporation of information technology into industries, the growth of the sector has been phenomenal (Pollock, 2003). Furthermore, productivity of industries has increased rapidly and this has been attributed to the various innovations and incorporation of information systems into industries. This is a ttributed to the decentralized manner of running the organization through the use various organs of the company, efficient job training strategies and the redesigning of the organization structures (Grant&Willcocks, 1995). In addition to that, information systems have been successful due to the fact that with the improvement in the information technology for instance communication by increasing the bandwidth in communicational channels, more information has been exchanged and on the long run decreasing the expense of communication. Consequently, this has led to the increase in the thriving of the information system sector and fostered more investment opportunities in this sector

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