Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Cause And Effect Of `` Liberal Studies And Education ``

Cause and Effect In today’s society, people learn and receive education mainly to be able to articulate themselves and to earn a living. In some cases, people learn an enormous amount to show off their intelligence. Ultimately, most of their intelligence is facts and pointless information that serves them no purpose. Within their education, they learn right from wrong; therefore, it creates a basis for them to learn virtues, but unable to acquire a vast amount of virtues. In â€Å"Liberal Studies and Education† by Seneca, Seneca believes that one must leave space for virtue in order to gain virtue, instead of filling the space with knowledge of no purpose. When one leaves space for virtue, one gains these virtues: unselfishness, kindliness, and loyalty. Virtue is a substance that should be filled in the void instead of useless knowledge. Seneca says that, â€Å"virtue will not surrender herself to these narrow bounds of ours; a great subject needs wide space in which to move. Let all other things be driven out, and let the breast be emptied to receive virtue† (28). In this example, things represent pointless knowledge. This type of knowledge must not fill up more space than virtue. One must leave room for virtue in order to gain virtue. Furthermore, Seneca says the â€Å"pursuit of the liberal arts makes men troublesome, wordy, tactless, self-satisfied, bores,† and causes people to â€Å"fail to learn the essentials just because they have learned the non-essentials† (28). Based on this reading,Show MoreRelatedHigher Education At The Liberal Arts1639 Words   |  7 PagesAll types of education, whether technical or liberal, possess their own inherent merit. The distinction between the two lies in the spectrum of a particular study’s application. A higher education in any study should be encouraged because more knowledgeable individuals benefit both society and themselves through the continuation of their education. 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