Thursday, December 26, 2019

Having Problems Writing an Essay on Mobile Phones

Mobile phone is certainly one of the ubiquitous symbols of modern life. It is hard to imagine a person (from any walk of life) who doesn’t have one. A dozen years ago they were a prerogative of businessmen who had to move about a lot and needed to be in touch with their partners at any time of night and day. Now everyone has them: from schoolchildren to seniors and from janitors to CEO of transnational corporations. And it is only natural that such an important aspect of our life is often mentioned in argumentative essay topics. Some people believe that mobile phones cause cancer and should be banned. Others may not believe in such direct harm to people’s health but mourn the fact that their usage takes warmth and humanity from the act of communication. Somebody else may be outraged by the dishonest business practices of mobile operators, and so on and so forth. So, if you have to write about mobile phones but are not given a particular topic, don’t try to cover all the aspects of the issue in one piece of writing – you have to choose one point which speaks to you most. How to Approach an Argumentative Essay about Mobile Phones Mobile phones are probably among the easier topics for argumentative essays. Why? Because this topic is close and clear for most people, and it is much easier to write about something you know and care about than about some obscure topic you have first heard about when your tutor was giving you the task. An argumentative essay presupposes that you express and support your own opinion – in such a situation personal involvement is a kind of additional bonus. If you are interested in a topic, even a little bit, you will produce a better essay than if you write about something you don’t care about, even if you have thoroughly prepared for the task and read a bunch of scholarly articles on the topic. Writing Your Own Essay on Mobile Phones Remember that although you are supposed to present your own argument in your essay, it doesn’t mean that you should simply express your opinion. The very idea of argumentative essays is that you should have an opinion and the ability to support it – no matter how strongly you believe in something, if you fail to gather the information in favor of your ideas, your essay will be found wanting. If you are free to choose from a number of argumentative essay topics about mobile phones, try to choose the one you already know something about, so that you don’t have to do extra research. And you will have to do a lot of research – although some people believe that expository and argumentative essays are almost the same thing, it is not true. For argumentative writing you will need much greater amount of preliminary research – after all, you don’t have to study just the topic in question, you have to form your own opinion and gather the facts in its s upport as well.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Cause And Effect Of `` Liberal Studies And Education ``

Cause and Effect In today’s society, people learn and receive education mainly to be able to articulate themselves and to earn a living. In some cases, people learn an enormous amount to show off their intelligence. Ultimately, most of their intelligence is facts and pointless information that serves them no purpose. Within their education, they learn right from wrong; therefore, it creates a basis for them to learn virtues, but unable to acquire a vast amount of virtues. In â€Å"Liberal Studies and Education† by Seneca, Seneca believes that one must leave space for virtue in order to gain virtue, instead of filling the space with knowledge of no purpose. When one leaves space for virtue, one gains these virtues: unselfishness, kindliness, and loyalty. Virtue is a substance that should be filled in the void instead of useless knowledge. Seneca says that, â€Å"virtue will not surrender herself to these narrow bounds of ours; a great subject needs wide space in which to move. Let all other things be driven out, and let the breast be emptied to receive virtue† (28). In this example, things represent pointless knowledge. This type of knowledge must not fill up more space than virtue. One must leave room for virtue in order to gain virtue. Furthermore, Seneca says the â€Å"pursuit of the liberal arts makes men troublesome, wordy, tactless, self-satisfied, bores,† and causes people to â€Å"fail to learn the essentials just because they have learned the non-essentials† (28). Based on this reading,Show MoreRelatedHigher Education At The Liberal Arts1639 Words   |  7 PagesAll types of education, whether technical or liberal, possess their own inherent merit. The distinction between the two lies in the spectrum of a particular study’s application. A higher education in any study should be encouraged because more knowledgeable individuals benefit both society and themselves through the continuation of their education. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Amount Interpersonal Skills And Reactions â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Amount Interpersonal Skills And Reactions? Answer: Introducation In most of the developed countries, the service sector has become the largest sector to generate employment. It is also a known fact that any and every service roles require a huge amount of interpersonal skills and reactions with different stake holders like customers, service providers etc and this involvement or engagement requires a kind of emotional labor or EL (Karimi et al.,2014). This is a particular kind of philosophy that requires changing or adjusting oneself and ones conduct as per the requirements and needs of an organization and also of ones profession (Zander et al 2015) The main purpose of the emotional labor is to know and manipulate one's behavior and emotions in accordance with the professional needs and requirements. Emotional labor is connected with productivity as well because the productive power of an employee is directly dependent on the ways he conducts himself at his place of work. No matter whatever issues the employees might face in their personal lives b ut they will always have to keep this in mind that they need to keep their mood right and put a happy, glowing and bright smile and a cheerful attitude for bringing out their full productivity at their respective workplaces. Emotional labor can be of two types-one is deep acting, that is even of the employees are suffering from some of their personal problems and are really frustrated and upset due to some of their personal issues related to family life or any other such thing, but yet they have to think about some of their happy moments related to their personal lives that might help them in restoring the happy mood and they can perform well in their work fields (Rayner Espinoza 2016). This is essential and particularly applicable for the customer service executives or any other employees involved in public dealing or customer dealings etc. It is a kind of profession that needs a huge patience and a polite behavior on the part of the customer care executives so that they can liste n to all the queries, doubts and questions of the people that are their customers and can give them the right solution and deal with them politely. The other one is known as deep acting according to which, an employee often has to fake a certain kind of emotion in order to meet with some professional or social requirement which is evident from the fact that, often the employees are suffering from huge pain and turmoil from their personal sufferings but yet they deliver their services so well at their workplace than their peers and their superiors are unable to make out or rather even trace anything wrong within the mind of that employee (Van De et al 2014). As is seen in todays scenario, the total profit and success of any organization depend upon the productivity and the productive output of each and every stakeholder associated with it, hence, it is of utmost importance for all the employees to abide by the philosophy of this emotional labor. Productivity on part of the employees is largely dependent on the kind of vibes that they get from their surroundings that are either the positive or the negative vibes (Kamp Dybbroe 2016). Apart from the tensions and frustrations of the personal lives, the mood and the state of mind of the employees is largely affected by the opinions, feedbacks and the kind of views and comments that they get to hear from their co workers and definitely from their other superiors as well. There are always a large number of people that assemble and work together at every organizational and all these people come up from different backgrounds and this consequently gets reflected in their opinions and their way of conducting themselves. There are several co workers that one often comes across at his or her workplace who have nothing but only negative and harsh words to say. They never put forward any positive vibes (Walsh Bartikowski 2013). This will naturally hamper the productive capacity of the workers a great deal because to do anything productive and profitable, every individual need to be in a proper state of mind and this peaceful state of mind has to be supported by a happy and c heerful mood as well but this is possible only when there is a positive vibe going on around in the work place. Hence, it is always suggested and is recommended to every organization that they must always initiate a positive vibe and a proper, positive work culture within the office environment. These constant negative comments and opinions can ruin anything and everything and can hamper the cheerful state of mind and can even ruin good news too. Just as a viral disease gets transferred from one person and to other and contaminates the whole system and an entire group of people same is the case with negativity. It keeps on traveling from one employee to the other like a viral infection thus, contaminating the positive state of mind and ruins the emotional set up a great deal. It is also a proven fact that it is the mental setup, the mood and the emotion directly has an impact on the power of creativity and also the state of mind, the decision making, the power of creativity, negotia tions, the power of judgment (Matzopoulos et al., 2014). Leadership etc.In a nutshell, it is the mood or the emotional setup of an employee that ruins the entire motivation of an employee to work and increase his level of productivity. Another important factor that is often responsible for hampering the mood of the employees and ruining the rate of their productivity is the lack of proper motivation. At times, some motivating and encouraging words can often give a major boost to the productive capacity of the workers. This is more clearly visible in terms of the labor workforce that are people who are working as craftsmen etc. Their productive capacity often gets hampered due to the lack of improper site facilities dm also due to the lack of proper recognition ( Brunetto et al .,2014). It is often seen that in spite of them giving a lot of efficiency and effort, it gets totally unnoticed and unrecognized, this makes the workers feel unwanted and unimportant and it has a direct influ ence on the productive capacity of the laborers. As is seen in several work fields, there is a kind of employee exhaustion that is created. Thus, this theory of emotional labor helps or rather tries to see if the possession of the personal resources might turn out to be useful on the part of the employees to control their emotions and thus meet all the necessary requirements that are needed as per the profession of the organization (Liang et al., 2016). Apart from the various external factors, there are also some of the internal factors as well that is the personal resources of the employees that are the expectations of their own selves that are generally connected to the individuals sense of being able to adjust to and influence their environment successfully. it is with the help of these personal sources that the employees can learn the skill of being able to adapt their emotions that is to have a proper control over their emotions, and fake a smile over their face along with the addition of a fake cheerful mood so that they are able to render their services efficiently at their work place and are able to attain every goals and objective in the long run. This is how the principles and values of emotional labor are instrumental in keeping up the level of employee productivity (Moore Hayes 2017). Reference list Brunetto, Y., Shacklock, K., Teo, S., Farr-Wharton, R. (2014). The impact of management on the engagement and well-being of high emotional labour employees.The International Journal of Human Resource Management,25(17), 2345-2363. Kamp, A., Dybbroe, B. (2016). Struggles of professionalism and emotional labour in standardized mental health care.Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies,6, 67. Karimi, L., Leggat, S. G., Donohue, L., Farrell, G., Couper, G. E. (2014). Emotional rescue: The role of emotional intelligence and emotional labour on well?being and job?stress among community nurses.Journal of advanced nursing,70(1), 176-186. Liang, H. Y., Tang, F. I., Wang, T. F., Lin, K. C., Yu, S. (2016). Nurse characteristics, leadership, safety climate, emotional labour and intention to stay for nurses: a structural equation modelling approach.Journal of advanced nursing,72(12), 3068-3080. Matzopoulos, R. G., Truen, S., Bowman, B., Corrigall, J. (2014). The cost of harmful alcohol use in South Africa.SAMJ: South African Medical Journal,104(2), 127-132. Moore, S., Hayes, L. J. B. (2017). Taking worker productivity to a new level? Electronic Monitoring in homecarethe (re) production of unpaid labour.New Technology, Work and Employment,32(2), 101-114. Rayner, J., Espinoza, D. E. (2016). Emotional labour under public management reform: An exploratory study of school teachers in England.The International Journal of Human Resource Management,27(19), 2254-2274. Van De Voorde, K., Van Veldhoven, M., Paauwe, J. (2014). Relationships between work unit climate and labour productivity in the financial sector: A longitudinal test of the mediating role of work satisfaction.European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology,23(2), 295-309.

Monday, December 2, 2019

More Than an Ordinary Sunday free essay sample

Walking through those doors on that first Sunday, I was nervous. My senses were overwhelmed by the brightness of the lobby and the sounds of laughter ricocheting off the walls. My hands shook. I felt new and strange, even though my life had always revolved around this kind of work. Unbeknownst at the time, I had actually entered an alternate universe. In this venue, everyone worked together in perfect harmony and peace, creating a â€Å"utopian society† for all who wished to be a part of it. On one of the many doors, I saw a sign boldly proclaiming â€Å"Volunteer Lounge† and I walked into the room. There, as well as in the other rooms of the building, I was slowly taught how to be a human in this new society called Friendship Circle. Once given a nametag, I was introduced to the boy who I was to work with for the year. We will write a custom essay sample on More Than an Ordinary Sunday or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The idea was that I was supposed to befriend him, mentor him, and help him to have fun. Or so I thought. In reality, that is what he, and the other children, did for me. I checked the schedule— a conveniently placed sticker given to all volunteers. It said, â€Å"12:00- music in the gym†. It didn’t occur to me that I wasn’t aware of where the gum was located; I simply followed the flow of people into an overly crowded elevator. As the elevator went down, I made an effort to converse with the boy who I knew next to nothing about. â€Å"Hi Jake, I’m Jenna,† I tried/ When that solicited no response, I made another attempt. â€Å"Are you excited to be here today?† He looked up. The elevator came to a halt and everyone stepped out. We walked over to the set of doors before the gym, and Jake started to yank me away. â€Å"Come on, it’s time for music, let’s go in before they start.† He pulled away further. It was then that I realized a few things. First of all, Jake really didn’t want to go in the gym. And secondly, I didn’t know how to handle it. The schedule said that we should be in the gym, what was I supposed to do if my â€Å"buddy† didn’t want to go in? I gave up on pulling him into the room and asked, â€Å"What do you want to do?† I tried to relax and gave him a broad smile. That was it, what I was missing—a simple muscle reflex that took almost no effort on my part. The rest of the day went smoothly. Another Sunday, while tentatively playing with some puppets, it dawned on me that my hesitance was due to a fear of being laughed at. In today’s society, we are taught the importance of fitting in, thus squelching our creativity. But it’s okay to be imaginative; people have become famous for sharing their unique ideas. About two months into the program, I stumbled upon another discovery: the true meaning of friendship. A real friend is the person you can count on to give you respect, understand that you need to be loved just the way you are, and make you smile when you are having a bad day. Everyone deserves to have at least one person that they can call a friend. Every week that I volunteer, I come out with a new take on life and a new lesson learned from my adventures. Apply these lessons—a task much larger than I could have ever imagined—has positively impacted my existence. When walking through the halls, I make a point of smiling and saying â€Å"hello† to fellow students. I have realized that I am comfortable being myself—even if it means that I act foolish, or dress in my own style. And that our differences make us the special, interesting people we are. I could have learned these morals elsewhere; I can find them in books, or hear about them on the internet, but experiencing something firsthand is much more effective than just reading about it. Volunteering at Friendship Circle has been molding me into the more confident, respectful person that I want to be. It turns out that when you brighten other people’s lives, you end up brightening your own too.